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Flashdisk 32 GB

Belum ada Ulasan

Berat : 100 Gram

Stok tersedia

Bangga Buatan Indonesia badge

CV RIZKITA Chat Penjual
Seller status : Verified


USB 3.0 performance and high speeds of up to 150MB/s (32GB-128GB)
Transfer a full-length movie in less than 30 seconds (32GB-128GB)
Transfer a full-length movie faster than standard USB 2.0 drives (16GB only)
Easy-to-use password protection for your private files
5-year warranty
Kategori Peralatan Elektronik
Asal Produk Dalam Negeri
Nilai TKDN -
Nilai BMP -
USB 3.0 performance and high speeds of up to 150MB/s (32GB-128GB) Transfer a full-length movie in less than 30 seconds (32GB-128GB) Transfer a full-length movie faster than standard USB 2.0 drives (16GB only) Easy-to-use password protection for your private files 5-year warranty


Alam Barajo, Kota Jambi, Jambi